I've updated the beta server (just after your email, in fact, not a
while later like my tardiness in responding might imply!). I've also
updated the .pot files and the beta server translations now, while I'm
thinking about it.
As for the project generally, it's suffering from the same problem as
the rest of MusicBrainz perpetually does, which is a shortage of time to
work on it. A rough outline of what needs to happen, in no particular
a.) automatic, or at least semi-automatic, updates of the .pot and .po
files (as you were just asking for). My plan here is to have it do this
when patches are deployed to beta, or if triggered manually. Since we
generally do this a dozen times a week during non-freeze weeks, and
since those are the primary times the .pot files change anyway, that'll
provide a basic update path that doesn't rely on me having time and
remembering to do it.
b.) better translation testing. Right now, our idea of who's actually
using and testing translations can only very generously be called
'fuzzy' -- nikki uses the german translation (and the beta server in
general) for day-to-day tasks, but beyond that it's only speculation
that someone probably uses the other translations in some capacity. I'm
not entirely sure what needs to happen here, but basically I think we'd
like to get to a point where we have a set of translations that we know
are being used regularly on beta by active and experienced editors, and
know who those editors are so we can check in periodically. And, of
course, the more testing the better.
c.) documentation translation. Technically really annoying, but it
either needs to be solved or we need to make a translatable string to
apologize for our untranslated documentation (heh). Even if we do decide
on and implement a method for translating the documentation, we'll want
some infrastructure to clarify that the English documentation is always
primary and hopefully a way to track changes so that it's clear when
translations of documentation are out of date.
d.) relationships. That domain is currently pretty hard to translate in
a lot of languages due to how the strings are interpolated together with
attributes, etc. I and others have had thoughts on how to improve this
but with no decision or implementation. The rough plan is simply to
translate already-interpolated strings instead of pre-interpolation
ones, other than for multi-valued attributes such as instruments. (that
is, translate "is a partial recording of", "is a live cover of", "is a
partial live cover of", "is a instrumental cover of", etc. instead of
"is a {partial} {live} {instrumental} {cover} recording of")
e.) a big slew of random bugs. There's a bunch of bugs with display when
strings are longer than in english (as happens a lot with German, for
example) and there's still undoubtedly a variety of strings (even
outside of relationships) that are untranslatable or otherwise in need
of amendment. Some of these are entered as tickets, others aren't.
So that's the status of things, anyway.
Post by MauritsThank you. Could the beta server be updated with the latest
translations as well? I've added quite a few translations this weekend.
How feasible would it be to have the translations update hourly like
they do on i18n.mbsandbox.org? I could use the latter to check my
translations "in the wild", but the sandbox isn't really updated with
the latest server so that isn't very useful either.
By the way, the minutes of the latest summit are a bit brief on the
subject of internationalization. How does the future of this project
look? Is there some kind of timetable? Are there any roadblocks that
have to be cleared at some point?
Post by Ian McEwenI've been lax about this! But, the .pot files have just been updated,
including a bunch of changes over the past months including the cover
art uploader and the recent schema changes like places.
Happy translating!
MusicBrainz-i18n mailing list
MusicBrainz-i18n at lists.musicbrainz.org
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